How to Create a Children's Garden: Fun and Educational Ideas 2024

How to Create a Children's Garden: Fun and Educational Ideas 2024

Last updated 10/09/2024

A children’s garden is a fantastic way to introduce kids to the wonders of nature and gardening. It’s a place where they can learn, play, and grow their own plants. This guide offers fun and educational ideas for creating a children’s garden. For child-friendly plants and gardening supplies, visit Wholesale Plants.

Choosing the Right Plants

Select plants that are safe, easy to grow, and interesting for children.

Best Plants for a Children's Garden 1. Sunflowers (Helianthus)

  • Description: Tall and vibrant, sunflowers are easy and quick to grow.
  • Care Tips: Requires full sun and regular watering.

2. Cherry Tomatoes

  • Description: Sweet, bite-sized fruits that children love to pick and eat.
  • Care Tips: Needs full sun and consistent moisture.

3. Marigolds

  • Description: Bright and colorful, these flowers deter pests and are easy to grow.
  • Care Tips: Prefers full sun and well-drained soil.

4. Radishes (Raphanus sativus)

  • Description: Quick-growing and rewarding for impatient gardeners.
  • Care Tips: Requires full sun and regular watering.

5. Strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa)

  • Description: Delicious fruits that kids love to harvest.
  • Care Tips: Needs full sun and well-drained soil.

Fun Garden Projects for Kids

Engage children with hands-on projects that are fun and educational.

Planting a Sensory Garden

  • Concept: Grow plants that stimulate the senses with different textures, scents, tastes, and colors.
  • Plants to Use: Lamb's ear (touch), lavender (smell), edible flowers (taste), and colorful annuals (sight).

Fairy or Dinosaur Gardens

  • Concept: Create miniature themed gardens with fairy houses, small dinosaurs, or other imaginative figures.
  • Materials Needed: Small plants, decorative items, and accessories to build scenes.

Vegetable and Herb Patch

  • Concept: Grow easy-to-care-for vegetables and herbs that children can harvest and use in cooking.
  • Plants to Use: Lettuce, spinach, basil, and mint.

Sunflower House

  • Concept: Plant sunflowers in a circle to create a living playhouse as they grow.
  • Steps: Sow sunflower seeds in a large, circular pattern, leaving an opening for a doorway.

Educational Activities

Incorporate learning activities to teach children about gardening and nature.

Plant Life Cycle

  • Activity: Show kids the stages of plant growth from seeds to mature plants.
  • Tools Needed: Different seeds, pots, soil, and magnifying glass.


  • Activity: Teach children about composting kitchen scraps and garden waste.
  • Tools Needed: Compost bin, organic materials, and a small outdoor space.

Garden Journals

  • Activity: Help kids keep a gardening journal to track plant growth and garden activities.
  • Tools Needed: Notebooks, pens, and stickers for decoration.

Bug Hunts

  • Activity: Explore the garden to find and identify beneficial insects.
  • Tools Needed: Magnifying glass, bug containers, and identification cards or apps.

Safety Tips

Ensure a safe and enjoyable gardening experience for children.

Safety Measures

  • Tools: Provide child-sized, safe garden tools.
  • Supervision: Always supervise young children while gardening.
  • Non-toxic Plants: Avoid planting toxic plants and teach children not to eat unknown plants.

Healthy Habits

  • Sun Protection: Make sure children wear hats and sunscreen.
  • Hydration: Encourage regular water breaks to stay hydrated.


Creating a children's garden is a rewarding way to foster a love for nature and gardening in kids. By choosing the right plants, incorporating fun projects, and ensuring safety, you can create an enjoyable and educational garden space. For a wide selection of child-friendly plants and gardening supplies, visit Wholesale Plants.